A List of Widely Used Anabolic Steroids & Top Reasons to take them
Anabolic steroids are one of the widely used muscle-boosting compounds that can give you a well-defined physique if used correctly. Steroids are actually synthetic substances that are made in labs. These compounds are derived from Testosterone, the primary male hormone.
Anabolic steroids are available in different forms, including oral, injectable, gel, etc. However, most bodybuilders and athletes prefer to choose between oral and injectable steroids.
In today’s article, we are going to talk about some of the widely-used anabolic steroids that you can consider using for meeting your muscle building goals. We will also tell you the top reasons to take anabolic steroids. What’s more, at the end of the post, we will talk about a reliable online steroid store that you can visit to buy your required steroid products. Thus, read the full post to know more in this regard.
The Top Anabolic Steroids and Reasons to use them
Here are some of the most popular and widely used anabolic steroids that can be used for bodybuilding:
1. Dianabol
Are you looking for the best oral anabolic steroids for bodybuilding? Then Dianabol can be your best bet. Dianabol is usually used during the bulking phases. You can gain mass and strength quickly by using this steroid. The common dose for beginners is 30-50 mg per day. Dianabol cycles usually last between 4-6 weeks.
2. Deca Durabolin
Deca Durabolin is a popular injectable anabolic steroid. If you are looking to experience mass and strength gains fast, then you can use this steroid. Deca Durabolin can be stacked with Testosterone. The recommended dosage of Deca for beginners is 400 mg per week. You can take it for 10-12 weeks.
3. Testosterone
Testosterone is one of the ideal anabolic steroids that beginners can use. Testosterone comes in different forms and can be used during both the bulking and cutting phases. It increases protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. It leads to more muscle. It also improves physical stamina and performance. Testosterone cycles usually last for 10-12 weeks.
4. Winstrol
Winstrol is usually used for cutting. You can use it to get rid of your excess body fat while retaining lean muscle mass. You can choose between the injectable and oral version of Winstrol. This steroid can be stacked with Testosterone. The recommended dosage of Winstrol (oral version) for beginners is 40-60 mg daily. The duration of a Winstrol cycle can be anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks. [Note: Winstrol doesn’t convert into estrogen]
5. Equipoise
The main reason to use Equipoise is that it increases the rate of protein synthesis to a great extent, resulting in improved muscle growth. It can be used for cutting. The recommended dosage for beginners (male) is 200-400 mg per week. The steroid cycle can last between 10-12 weeks.
Anabolic Steroid Side Effects
Here are some side effects of anabolic steroids you should be aware of:
·Oily skin
·Suppression of natural Testosterone
·Enlarged breasts in men
·A deepening of the voice in women, etc
Buy Anabolic Steroids Online
You can log on to https://alvgear.com/anabolic-steroids-products to buy anabolic steroids online. They keep top brand steroids in stock. Also, they sell steroid compounds at very affordable prices. Feel free to contact them directly to know more about the reasons to take anabolic steroids.