Manufacturer: Aburaihan, Iran
Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Active Life: 15-16 days
Detection Time: 3 months
Common Doses: 250mg + (500mg-1g common) per week
Blood Pressure: High risk
Acne: High risk if prone
Water Retention: If prone can be high
Aromatisation: Yes, high rate
DHT Conversion: Yes, high rate
Decrease HPTA function: Yes, severe
Pack: 1 ml amp (250 mg/ml)
Testosterone Enanthate is an injectable product that contains 1 ml/250mg. Aburaihan produces Testosterone Enanthate in Iran. All bodybuilders see this testosterone like an excellent product. They can use this product alone and if they want to stack with other products, they can create a great bulking cycle. Its negative effetcs are high because of its DHT conversion and also due to the risk of high aromatization causes gynecomastia. But these properties give all users to have perfect mass growth. For lean muscle gains it is not better to use it alone because of some side effects like water retention.
For your bulking periods you can think Sustanon that is an ideal product. You can see the harmony of Testosterone Enanthate and Sustanon in your cycles. Testosterone Enanthate that has long ester, has half life about 15-18 days. Testosterone Enanthate give perfcet results in these bulking periods but there is only a problem; water retention. But Arimidex (Anastrozol) would be a good choice for eliminating this problem. When Arimidex is used in the cycle, all estrogenic problems and water retention are removed. Such as Arimidex, also Aromasin and Femara are used for all types of problems. With high dosages Testosterone Enanthate adds muscle mass to the body and it is possibile also diet with this product. Anstrozol/Arimidex cures also gynecomastia, like Tamoxifen does not reduce the performance of your cycle with regular usages.

While novice users are using it alone, intermediate and advaced users stack it with other anabolic steroids for obtaining the best results. Dianabol, Trenbolone, Deca, Anapolon, Parabolan can be between your choices. Professional users like this injectable steroid.
You can apply a cycle using Testo Enanthate for 15 weeks. When you add Boldenone and Deca to this cycle, it will become the most efficient. Each product has different duration of usage. While Deca and Boldenone are using for 12 weeks, Testosterone Enanthate should be taken for 15 weeks. With this cycle example, the performance of your cycle will be excellent. All products complement each other. The duty of Boldenone and Testosterone is to block negative effects of Deca. Because Deca has side effects against to libido. But during this cycle toxic accumulates in the body, for that reason you must dirnk absolutely 3 lt of water during the usage of these medicines.
1.-12. weeks 200 mg Deca weekly
1.-12 weeks 300 mg Boldenone weekly
1.15. weeks 250 mg Testosterone Enanthate weekly
Together with these products you should use also a post cycle therapy product like Clomid (Clomiphene) that is a perfect medicine.
Facial hair growth, interrupted breathing while sleeping, stomach pain, swelling of the ankles or legs depression, loss of appetite, nausea, painful or prolonged erection, hair loss, headache, severe allergic reactions, water retention, gyno, acne, bitter or strange taste in mouth, change in sex drive, fatigue, gum or mouth irritation, breast growth or pain, change in the size or shape of the testicles, changes in menstrual periods, coughing fit, dark urine or light-colored bowel movements, shortness of breath, urination problems, voice changes or hoarseness, weight gain, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dizziness.
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