Growth Hormone
Last 10 years it s popularity have been increasing .Is it really effective ?There are lots of mistakes about this subject.It s produced for midget s in 1950’s.There are lots of rumours that athletes started using it on 1970’s.Sentetic Growth Hormone did not produce on 1970’s because of that user faced lots of side effects.This affect popularity of Growth Hormone usage .It s popularity keep growing in 1990’s among Professional athletes.In 2000’s it s undispensable among all athletes (wrestlers,weightlifters,fighters and bodybuilders) you could see that even amator athletes use it.
What is STH ?
STH is peptide hormone which s including 129 amino acids chain.STH provides bigger long bones and strap muscles.It grows whole body,increasing protein syntheses.
If your body released low STH in your teenager days it causes nanism on the other hand if your body released high level of STH it causes gigantizm.Also if your body released STH regularly when you are over 22 years of age it causes acromegaly.Acromegaly makes your bones(face,hand,head) bigger.
GH s still mysterious drug when you compare it with other drugs.Some athletes belive that GH s best way to increase strength and mass of muscle in short period of time because of this it s very popular in bodybuilding World.
Some people believes that it causes change in dimension(jaw,growing of soft tissue of jaw)
STH has strong anabolic effect it means Somatropin realize strong protein syntheses.
--Growing of muscle mass
--Increasing number of mass muscle.This s very important because anabolic steroids could not do it completely because of that STH is the strongest anabolic hormone.
Another speciality of STH is burning fat also STH convert fats to energy that means athletes get more energy without get fat.STH makes your bones stronger .
Another allegation about STH is some people believes people spend lots of Money ,face side effects of STH but gain nothing.
There are lots of reason makes this.
--Main reason s using STH with less or incorrect dosages.STH is expensive because of that people choose using it with less dosage as a results of this they dont get results that they want .
--STH is efficient with steroids,thyroid hormones and insülin,to get better results from STH you must use them together.These are STH,insülin and t3(Cytomel) after using these combination liver produce enough somatomet and insülin hormones.If you use some anti catabolic products(steroids and clenbuterol) you ll get better results This makes Professional bodybuilders symmetric .
Lots of bodybuilders use STH when they prepare competitions .During preparation they use it when they are in less calories diet because body produce less insülin and thyroid hormone when they are on less calories diet and STH Works very well at this point.
If you gets clenbuterol with STH you must know there are lots of details you must know .Because products like clenbuterol or ephedrine s decrease your insulind and t3 producing.You do something better for STH usage but on the other hand it has some bad effects too.(to be continued..)
How can i buy Human Growth Hormone Products?
You can find a lot of kinds peptide and hgh products below this link: